Which Works Best for my Garden – Liquid Fertiliser or Dry Pellets?

November 21, 2022 3 min read

To keep your garden looking healthy it’s important to add fertiliser to the soil every three to four weeks. Plants need to be fed vital nutrients to thrive well, produce fruit and propel growth. It’s also necessary to condition the soil of your garden and enhance the resistance of the plants, strengthening their roots and enabling them to hold more water.

But which fertiliser should you be using to benefit your garden the best? Liquid fertiliser and dry pellets both come with their own set of advantages. We weigh up the two to help you determine which one you should use and when:


What is Liquid Fertiliser?

Liquid fertilisers are concentrated liquids that are added to water and applied to the soil and foliage. These types of fertilisers contain a synthetic chemical mix of the plant’s essential nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and iron.

Organic liquid fertilisers are generally better for edible plants that produce fruit and veggies, because they’re made from purely organic materials, whilst still releasing the nutrients they need.

The great thing about organic liquid fertilisers is that they feed your plants the nutrients they need quickly, as well as adding beneficial bacteria, fungi and organic matter that improves your soil or potting mix.


Liquid fertilisers offer a quick response and are applied to plants and lawn using spray bottles or sprinkler attachments. Because they’re absorbed through the water directly into the roots of the plants, liquid fertilisers provide an immediate effect.

  • Fast Acting: The plant’s root systems absorb most of the nutrients and provide a rapid green-up of your garden at a lower cost. A small amount of these nutrients are taken through the leaves as well.
  • Easier to Handle: No cleanup, easily mixed into your daily watering and offers a uniform application.
  • High Spray Volume: Which encourages nutrients to move around the garden and soil better.
  • Combined Fertiliser and Pesticides: To apply on one pass over the lawn and garden, saving time and money. This better coverage also helps to combat weeds too.


What are Fertiliser Pellets?

Dry fertiliser pellets, also known as granular fertilisers, are sprinkled onto the lawn and garden area. Granular fertilisers make the best slow-release fertiliser because they are applied as a solid, the nutrients are absorbed by the plants at a much slower rate. Whilst the release period can vary, slow-release granular fertiliser has the advantage of lasting even longer, feeding your plants gradually over 3 months.


  • Fewer Applications Needed: Slow-release fertilisers help keep your garden and lawn fed longer into the season, resulting in fewer applications. Typically, only four applications of a granular product are needed to keep your garden fed throughout the year.
  • More Cost-Effective: Granular fertiliser is cheaper in bulk to purchase and can be applied during dry and hot times throughout the year.
  • Easier to Store: Unlike liquid fertilisers, which can settle over time, dry fertiliser pellets last longer and are easier to store.
  • Separation of Fertiliser and Pesticides: Since the two aren’t mixed together in dry pellets, pesticides aren’t applied to areas that don’t need it. Whilst it can mean two separate applications, this extra time increases thoroughness.


The fertiliser you choose will depend on a variety of factors such as:

  • Budget
  • Convenience
  • Practicality
  • What plants you are growing

Generally, one organic liquid fertiliser or granular slow-release fertiliser can be used to feed your entire garden. As long as your garden is being fed a healthy and balanced diet of nutrients, as well as water and sunshine, they will flourish and offer bigger and better yields.

To find out more about how Charlie Carp can help with your plant and lawn requirements, chat with one of our friendly staff today.

Charlie Carp Admin
Charlie Carp Admin

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